Veloopti Features

Veloopti reviews, analyzes, monitors and manages the processes and operations of your server and the applications. Notify the users when a breach is detected to prevent system failures. Collect inventory information and run actions to remediate issues. All delivered though SaaS to save you time and money.

Veloopti UI

True SaaS

Sign up now and start straight away, there’s nothing to wait for. Click the “Get started free” button to get your Veloopti account.

Monitor all your servers and applications. No need to hire engineers to get your monitoring environment working and no cost for the monitoring infrastructure. We keep it up and running so you don't have to.

SaaS done the way SaaS should be.

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Enterprise functionality

We have built Veloopti to have enterprise functionality for everyone. So what does “enterprise” mean for you?

“Enterprise” are the features that are usually available for big corporations and not others. What we have done is made these features available to anyone who used Veloopti.

Monitor anything

Veloopti comes with many different policy types to cover your monitoring bases. The policies are written and deployed all through the Veloopti console. Write and deploy monitoring right from the GUI without having to edit a configuration file. And for the really tricky stuff we have an API. No matter your monitoring requirements Veloopti has got you covered.

Veloopti UI

Fix things quickly

Run your favourite commands without having to start an SSH shell or remote desktop. Initiate them instead from your web browser or smart phone. See the results immediately and because they are audited you can view previous results at any time.

Automatically run an action whenever an incident is detected. This is helpful when it’s first detected: “Show me all external servers connected to the server right now” or “Show me the SQL query with open locks right now”. Alternatively gather diagnostic data like a disk full policy returning the top 10 largest or 20 newest files. Also let the helpdesk run actions after the issue is detected.

Actions are a powerful remediation and diagnostic utility.

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